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Jan 25
Know your Cost Drivers – The Supply Market Intelligence Guide

Supply Market Intelligence include information related to Changes in Supply and Demand and Trends, Supply Market size, utilization, expected expansions/contractions, level of competition, Technological changes, Innovations, geo-political changes in supply market etc. How supply market intelligence influence Procurement success?

Jan 23
What is Bearing & It’s application?

Bearings is a mechanical device that help to reduce friction between rotating shaft or linear bodies.Ball bearings have spherical rolling elements and are used for lower load applications, while roller bearings use cylindrical rolling elements for heavier load carrying requirements. Linear bearings are used for linear movements along shafts and may also have rotational capabilities.Source Link …

Jan 23
Cost Management Program in Procurement

Cost Saving is reduction in cost that has tangible results. Direct Cost Saving such as lower prices paid and indirect cost savings like improved efficiency and productivity. Cost avoidance is preventing or reduce suppliers price increase.When suppliers actual cost increase, price increase are likely. One way to prevent or minimize such price increase is to […]

Jan 23
Low Cost Country in Global Sourcing – Benefit & Challenges

Low Cost Country Sourcing is a one of the most discussed topic in Global Sourcing among procurement professional. The Audiopedia Describes Low Cost Country Sourcing very vividly in this YouTube video. Low Cost Country Sourcing is a procurement strategy of Global Sourcing in which a company sources materials from countries with lower labor rate and production costs in order to […]

Jan 23
Inventory Reduction: Methods and Implementation

Benefit of Inventory Reduction Inventory Reduction will release working capital for re-investment in other key business areas and maintain smooth cash flow for any business that operates with tight margins. Companies that purchase items from suppliers to make the customer order fulfilment often believe that lowering inventory levels equals to lowering service levels, which will […]

Jan 23
Supplier selection at various stages of Product Maturity

How to do supplier selection who can deliver the best value proposition for our organization? There are several approaches. What I want to share with you today is selecting right supplier at various stages of our product maturity in the market.